Product Marketing Position
Job Description
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Unify Corporation, Oct 1, 1996
Reporting to
Tony Lacy-Thompson, Director, Product Marketing
Ideal Requirements
- Demonstrably excellent communication skills
- verbal
- written
- presentation
Must be able to communicate well with all levels senior
execs and technical staff at both Unify and customers.
Must be able to write coherently and accurately press
releases, technical overviews, marketing requirements
documents, articles, backgrounders, presentation scripts, ...
Good presentation style and ability, to varied numbers and
types of groups. Presentation creation from technical data,
bringing out the salient points.
- Good knowledge of client/server marketplace:
- 1st/2nd generation tools (Powersoft/Centura, Oracle/Informix, Forte/Dynasty)
- relational databases (Oracle/Informix/Sybase)
- issues, such as partitioning, GUIs, objects, ORBs, CASE, Java, Web, etc
- Minimum 5 years experience in product marketing, with demonstrable results
in most of the following areas:
- pricing | - competitive analysis |
- positioning | - sales training |
- seminars | - rollouts and launches |
- international | - partner relationships |
- Experience with editors, analysts, journalists, PR
- existing relationships with editors/analysts
- article contribution
- Technical ability
- experience with at least 1 C/S tool and 1 database (Oracle, Sybase Informix)
- able to set up and demonstrate products in client/server configurations
- experienced with at least Windows and UNIX, plus maybe NT, OS/2, Mac
Note: The ideal candidate will be able to show and/or talk about results in
these areas!
The main responsibilities of the Senior Product Marketing Manager are:
- To help define strategic product direction and positioning by
working with the field, industry analysts, and Unify Development.
Creation and ownership of Marketing Requirements Documents.
- To ensure the Unify VISION message gets out by taking an
active role in Unify seminars, Unify PR, partner seminars, and
working with analysts, press, and partners.
- Ensuring that the Unify sales force has the best possible
weapons in its armory in terms of collateral, presentations,
training, information, and product. Creating collateral when
- Researching, recommending, and acting as technical liaison for
partner products that add value to the Unify story, i.e.,
CASE, system management products, TP monitors, security
products, etc.
- Representing Unify Product Marketing when required at
cross-functional meetings and customer presentations, both
in-house and on site.
This position is based in San Jose, California. Please send fax or
email your resume to:
Tony Lacy-Thompson
Unify Corporation
181 Metro Drive, 3rd Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
Fax: 408-467-4511
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Product Marketing Position
Copyright 1995, 1996 Unify Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: 15-Oct-1996
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San Jose, CA 95110 USA Phone: (408) 467-4500 Fax: (408) 467-4511